Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of School

Hannah started Freedom Christian School's home school partnership today.  She will be attending Freedom 2 days/week and home schooled 3 days/week.

Hannah doesn't like change too much.  New location, new kids, new teachers, finding a new locker and new stress.

So as we parked in the parking lot a bit before school was to start, we said a brief prayer together.  It was not grand wording or anything, it was simply asking for the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout her day and for her to see God's presence.

As we walked in, there sat the one little girl that she had already met at the open house.  The little girl whose locker was next to Hannah's.  With a sigh of relief Hannah said "hi".  I had planned to go in with Hannah and get her settled, however at this point I was totally superfluous.  You see, as quickly as a walk from the car to the door, our prayer had been answered.  The Holy Spirit met her right at the door in the form of a friendly face.

God is so cool!

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