Saturday, January 7, 2012


The idea behind the Daniel fast started as a series of small prompts that I followed like a donkey following a carrot.  There was no intelligence required to get here. ;-)  There are some other prompts, though, that I haven't followed so well.  Yesterday changed that.

I was sitting at the table with a woman who is enormously well versed with children with special needs.  I have the incredible blessing of having her assigned to us to help us manage some of Ben's behavioral concerns.  As we discussed his sleep habits, which is hands down the largest challenge we face with him, she gave me some suggestions for helping him, then sat back and, though a bit uncomfortable, proceeded to say with an adamance that clearly appeared prophetic, that we need to pray over his room and and even have a laying of hands in prayer for him.

This is something that has been suggested before, but as I admitted earlier, I hesitated to follow.  At this point it was clear that if I didn't follow God would send a donkey to chat with me about it.  As soon as she left, I emailed my clergy, and I am happy to say that they are entirely on board with the prayer service for Benjamin, and we should have it completed within the month.

This adventure I am jumping into with the Daniel fast is proving to be monumental, and I haven't even begun the fast yet.  I cannot wait to share even more.

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I have looked at your blog. I didn't know it existed. What you publish on fb has always a blessing to me. Dealing with a special needs child, now adult, has been a long journey. I desire to refresh my body and soul.
    I was on pain meds for 6 years, because of severe hip and knee pain due to inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia. I have gotten off the pain meds (3 yrs after hip replacement), because they don't help fibro, and I feel like a new person physically and mentally.

    I used to be a regular jogger, lap swimmer, biker, and x-country skier (20yrs). I was an athlete in school. Before the arthritis and fibro, I was very strong, but now I am far from that. I gained a lot of weight because of being on high doses of steroids for arthritis and Crohns Disease. I really want to lose more weight and get my endurance and physical strength back, but that will take time. I am so happy to have greater alertness, and less drowsiness. Just wanted you to know that you have motivated me.

    I will pray for your fast and the laying on of hands for Ben. How great that we know our God does hear our prayers.

